Hours of Operation
Mon - Fri: 7:30 am - 4:30 pm
Sat - Sun: Closed
Chain slings are made from grade 100 Alloy products. Alloy chain is the only grade of chain (either grade 80 or 100) that is certified for overhead lifting. There are many configurations to choose from single leg to 4-leg slings all consisting of different combinations of oblongs, grab hooks, sling hooks, foundry hooks, and more. It is important to inspect your chain slings regularly and to keep them stored on a rack off of the ground to prevent them being run over or damaged. Coca Sales builds your grade 100 Alloy chain slings using the highest quality products. We manufacture slings from 9/32" (1/4") up to 1", single leg, double leg, triple and quad. Whatever your chain sling needs, rely on Coca Sales to provide it for you.